M- Taka

M-taka is a social enterprise aimed at addressing the issues of climate action, waste management and environmental conservation, advocacy and sustainability. Offering innovative solutions to the waste challenge, it will bring attention to the gaps and provide an opportunity of empowerment to street connected youth and women to receive dignified income.

Our Aim

Green Education & Tech integrated hub for learning

The street connected youth and women at Homeless of Kisumu make up 90% of the waste value chain yet benefit the least in terms of compensation. M-taka aims to improve the process and empower the youth and women in the process.

The informal settlements together with the plastic menace seems to have hit us the most. We aim to provide solutions and provide decent income by creating jobs and dignified income for the youth and women contributing their efforts to the cause. M-taka also has a hub targeted at capacity building waste actors and eco friendly enterprises. Creating educational materials as we integrate tech-centred solutions into addressing the challenge of waste management is key.